2023-2024 Homework Policy
Here at Alliance for Progress Charter School, we know that mastering technology is vital to a student's success. These goals will help students succeed in the classroom, on field trips and at home as a part of a class assignment. Keep reading to learn more about reaching AFPCS tech goals!
Please note: Homework provides essential practice for students. Students are required to complete and submit homework assignments daily.
Homework is required through iReady/MyPath. Intervention and progress monitoring is provided through iReady/MyPath. Each week students are required to complete 30 minutes of ELA and 30 minutes of Math as an extension of the Homework requirement. iReady/MyPath is monitored weekly to ensure students are meeting this requirement.
At AFPCS, homework is viewed as an extended learning opportunity for students. It should be used to review, reinforce, and extend concepts and skills learned in class. Homework helps children develop a sense of responsibility and accountability. An adult should supervise homework by providing a consistent place and time for completion, answering questions the student asks, and reviewing homework for accuracy and completeness. Students are expected to perform the work independently, but also should ask questions if clarification is needed.
Completion of homework is NOT optional at AFPCS. Homework is given Monday through Thursday and is checked daily. Each week, your child will receive a grade for the homework completed. The overall weekly homework grade will account for 10% of each child’s grade in each subject area.
Grades K-8 Homework Checklist
Make sure you receive full credit for your homework assignments by doing the following:
- Completing homework Monday through Thursday.
- Making sure your homework is neat and organized.
- Completing your homework within the allotted time frame.
- Student Technology Goals
- Promotion Acceleration and Growth (Retention) Guidelines